15th Masonic Districts
Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Massachusetts

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The 15'th North and South Districts were formally just one district. With increased responsibility for District Deputy Grand Masters it was too much work for one ddgm and we split into two districts. However we continue to share Lodge of Instruction, a Past Masters Association, and District Activities Committee. The result is in many ways we remain a single district blessed with two DDGM suites.

If you are just visiting and interested in the fraternity, it is suggested that you use the 'About Us -->District Lodges' menu to find one of our district lodges that meets on a night compatible to your schedule and travel desires. Moreover by visiting our varous lodge websites you will find additional information regarding our fraternity and characteristics of each lodge.


Brethren of the 15North and 15South District:

Login to this site is with a district assigned username. If you do not know the credentials, please request it from your Lodge Secretary, Master, or Wardens. Login will give you access to your DDGM home page, district monthly notices, and other information you may find useful.


Calendar Events

DDGM fraternal & official visits, Lodge of Instruction, Regular Lodge meetings, installations, and other DDGM scheduled meetings are automatically updated from the massmasons.org calendar. Always refer to a specific Lodge's notice for official meeting times as the district calendar times are generic and approximate.